Tuesday, March 20, 2012

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Due to the lodging situation in Stanley Idaho, we were forced to revise our route. We will be going Baker City, McCall, Boise, Challis. From Challis it is only about 100 miles to Craters of the Moon so we will visit that and then check in at Arco. From Arco it is on to Jellystone for 3 nights. From there we have no plans yet but I am leaning towards packing a tent and sleeping bags (and coffee) in case we have to rough it. My tent will probably be OK but my sleeping bags are ginormous so I will have to buy something that stuffs into a 6 X 6 compression sack. REI here I come. Space, not weight will be at a premium on a motorcycle (I guess size does matter). Hope it all fits. . .